India had set a target of 100 GW of solar power capacity by 2022 and 70.10 GW of this target has been achieved by June 2023 while work is in full swing to achieve 55.60 GW of capacity. Union Minister RK Singh said that the government has set a target of achieving 100 GW of solar power capacity by 2022.
The government is also working with state governments and private industries to achieve the 100 GW target through various schemes and policies. Solar panel waste can be recycled for reuse. PV modules of a solar PV plant can be calculated for recycling. Reuse/reuse of reclaimed materials mainly depends on the economic value of the recycled material compared to the material and the purity and quality of the recycled material.
India’s progress towards the solar energy capacity target is commendable and the government is working to boost renewable energy resources and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. India installed 6,794 MW of solar power capacity during January-June, down 19% from the same period last year. Rooftop PV installations have increased. An estimated 2,294 MW of rooftop solar capacity was added during the first six months of 2023, which is more than the total capacity added in 2022. In 22-23, the country had 16,24,465.10 million units.